Thursday, September 6, 2018

Why the name “The Ant or the Grasshopper”?

If you’re reading this, you probably have figured out why I chose this name for the blog, but regardless, here’s a little poem for your consideration:

A little ant, so Aesop wrote,
Did love the prosperous season,
With all his effort and his time
He stored up with good reason.

And as he worked, the grasshopper
In merriment did play,
And scoffed at the busy, wise little ant
As he planned for the wintry day.

“Join me in my dance and song,
There’s always plenty to store.
The sun is bright, the day is warm
There’s no need to gather more.”

But the days soon cooled and time was gone,
The ant was content, thanks to his decision.
 And seeking help, the grasshopper came,
Regretting his lack of vision.

The moral of this story is clear.
The time is now to be prepared.

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