Saturday, September 22, 2018

Step 5 continued

Continue to increase your food storage by two weeks. As you set aside money and look around for sales, here are some ideas for preserving your resources:
         1.    Pay a full tithing (blessings and wisdom for managing your resources will come from keeping this commandment.

         2.  Decrease your restaurant/ fast food meals by half and eat at home instead.

         3. Instead of buying individual size fruit or yogurt cups for packed lunches, which are usually more expensive, buy a regular size can of fruit or yogurt and separate into small reusable storage containers.

As you prayerfully consider how to build up your storage, remember the Scripture: “I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he should prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commanded them.”

 Create a Casserole

Mix and Match Soups

Continue with your goal of purchasing 2 wheels of food storage. Here are some more ways to preserve your resources.

               1. Pay a generous fast offering. (The Lord will bless you as you help others in need!)
               2. Teach your children to take smaller portions so they don’t waste their food- they can always have seconds if they are still hungry.
               3. Don’t throw away leftovers - use them in another meal ( see “Create A Casserole” and “Mix and Match Soup” for leftover ideas.
               4. Convenience food items are often more expensive than their equivalent homemade equivalents. By making your own convenience items from scratch, the savings could be used for food storage.
               5. Teach your family to turn off the water when soaking up their hands, instead of letting the water run.
              6. Teach your family to turn off lights as they leave a room.
              7. Instead of buying your lunch, pack your lunch.

To help increase your storage, it is best to have a specific food storage area ( even if it is under your bed) so you can see how much you have and so you don’t inadvertently use it up because it is mixed in with your regular foods. 

While working on this step, ponder this counsel from the Church: “We must learn to distinguish between wants and needs.  We should be modest in our wants. It takes self-discipline to avoid the “but now, pay later” philosophy and to adopt the “ save now and buy later “ practice! 

Next week, we will take our food storage program to a whole new level!!! 

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