Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Step #5

If you haven’t finished evaluating your food storage, continue with Step #4 in preparation for the final Step of Level 1!

Now on to Step #5!

            Step #5- Set goal to increase food storage by two weeks

Take the calculations you made on your “Three Month Food Storage Plan” and determine what items you need to purchase in order to have a full two weeks of food storage.

Pray to have wisdom to spend your money prudently:
      - Decide if you really need something before purchasing it.
     - There is a difference between “wants” and “needs”; reduce your purchases on “wants” and put that money toward your food storage.

Pray for ways to meet your goals, even with limited resources.
Continue on this step for the next 4 weeks.  During this time, purchase as much of a two week supply as you can; however, do not go into debt for your food storage.  Even setting aside an extra can or two of food each week is making progress. The Lord will bless you if you do your part! 


1 comment:

  1. I have been amazed how much praying to find good deals, opportunities etc have helped me build up my pantry. And how much efforts add up. Only a few cans here and there also soon add up! This is very encouraging!
